The Benefits of starting revision as early as you can!

Exams are a common occurrence in academic life, and they often come with a great deal of stress and anxiety. The pressure to perform well can be overwhelming, but one way to alleviate this pressure is to start revision for exams early. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of starting revision early and the different ways to revise effectively.

Benefits of starting revision early:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety: Starting revision early gives you plenty of time to prepare for the exam, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  2. Improved retention: Revising over a longer period helps you retain information better. Regular revision sessions help to consolidate your knowledge, so you are less likely to forget it.
  3. More time for practice: Starting revision early gives you more time to practice exam-style questions, which can help you identify areas where you need to improve.
  4. More time to seek help: If you encounter any problems or questions during revision, you will have more time to seek help from your teachers or tutors. If you feel you may benefit from private tutoring, don’t leave it too late to find one and get up and running!


At KnightSchool, our plans focus on the benefits of starting early, having as much practice as possible and repeating common skills/topics to improve retention. We have many ways to encourage you to ask for help from your teachers and tutors, making sure you are getting the right support that you need.


Different ways to revise:

  1. Active revision: This involves actively engaging with the material you are revising. Examples of active revision include creating mind maps, using flashcards, and writing out summaries. We’ve got some resources here that can help with this!
  2. Past papers: Practicing past exam papers is an effective way to prepare for exams. This allows you to familiarise yourself with the format and style of the questions, as well as the timing. In our tutoring sessions, we provide emphasis on examination preparations. We look at what’s behind the question, do you know what the examiner is really asking? What will be on the mark scheme? It’s all about improving confidence!
  3. Group revision: Studying with peers can be a useful way to revise. Group revision allows you to share ideas and discuss difficult concepts, which can help you gain a better understanding of the material. We offer small friendship sessions with a private tutor to help facilitate this!
  4. Regular revision: Regular revision sessions are essential to consolidate your knowledge. Regular revision helps you to remember information and recall it more easily during the exam. At KnightSchool, if you chose our tutors, we will plan a bespoke revision plan with you. If you’d prefer to work without a tutor, we can help you/your parents make a revision timetable for you that builds around your commitments.
  5. Breaks: Taking breaks during revision is important for maintaining focus and reducing stress. Taking regular breaks can help you stay motivated and prevent burnout. Avoid cramming information, even in the week leading up to the exam, make sure you are still making time for you… it will benefit you, and your brain in the long run!


In conclusion, starting revision early and using different revision techniques can help you prepare more effectively for exams. 

Active revision, past papers, group revision, regular revision, and taking breaks are all effective revision methods. 

By starting revision early and using these techniques, you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve retention, and increase your chances of performing well in your exams.